Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Socialist! Burn Him!!!

First of all, after listening to countless Republicans, talking heads, and regular citizens throw the word socialist around for the last ten years in general, and President Obama's term in specific, I am more certain than ever that none of them understand the concept. It is only used as a fighting word because people put the brown pants on as soon as they hear it. To gin up fear, which, by the way, is what they feed on. Recently, Republican party leaders have been vociferously criticizing the government's bailout out G.M. as the beginning of America's descent into a socialist anarchy...Be afraid! Now, and this is priceless, Connor Clarke of The Atlantic (read full story) has produced a piece (in the Jun 3 2009 online edition) that shows just how "socialist" we have become as a nation. And the results are HORRIFYING! Even after the G.M. takeover, 99.79% of all corporate assets in the United States are privately held. Repeat...99.79%. Enough Said. I've heard enough from these people...

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