Monday, December 19, 2011

Walkerites Behaving Badly...

Not that this surprises anyone...but I thought I'd share it anyway. The Capital Times, out of Madison, reported that two men were arrested Saturday for spitting on recall volunteers in Arena, Wisconsin...Like I said, not surprising...disgusting yes, surprising no. This behavior will, of course, continue and worsen (as some numerous fellow Kossacks have shared their stories) as the recall and removal of Walker becomes more and more close at hand.

The old saying "like father, like son" really hits home with this sort of thing. I assume that they are father and son from the names reported. It made me reflect on my relationship with my son, and whether or not I am burdening him with crippling prejudices and acceptance of abhorrent behaviors, as is clearly the case with these two men.

I think back to my experience of standing outside a local hotel/conference hall with protestors in Eau Claire in February or March of this year and having a man in his Mercedes SUV rolling down his window and flipping us all off...with his two small children in car seats in the backseat...So keep up the great work Wisconsin! Try to stay positive...and safe...

I guess at least these two guys got to spend a little quality time together this Christmas holding cells...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Collective Bargaining and Wisconsin's Prisons...


You mean that an exodus of Wisconsin's prison employees as a result of Scott Walker's attack against public employees could lead to dangerous working conditions? People tend to focus only on the financial component of Wisconsin's Act 10, and as bad as that is for working families, there is a more insidious and dangerous part that is not often looked at.

With the new law limiting collective bargaining to base wages, prison workers have zero say in their working conditions. As a result, administrators and political toadies have the ultimate authority to institute any "reforms" they want regarding personnel and working conditions.

Isn't it possible that the front line employees working with some of Wisconsin's most dangerous population might have valuable insights gained from years of professional experience...Doesn't matter...and we are now seeing the ugly results of this. Attacks on staff are on the rise at Wisconsin's Dodge County Correctional Facility...

AFP Rears Its Ugly Head In Wisconsin Recall......

Not that this is surprising to anyone, of course...

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I turned on the NBC and ABC affiliates in my city. Both channels were running the newest installment of Americans for Prosperity's commercials celebrating their savior (and according them, our savior as well), Scott Walker. I am sure Walker is shocked and incredulous that money from outside state interests is being dumped into the recall process on his behalf! ;)

In their ad, they made the claim that there has been no significant public employee layoffs. We, of course, know that this has not been the case. Wisconsin's own Department of Workforce Development recently reported that we have lost 8,500 public sector jobs in the past year. This accounts for approximately five percent of all public sector employment in the state. That's one year. As the budget continues to get sliced thinner and thinner, it is just a matter of time before these numbers increase even more dramatically.

My doctor once told me that in medical school they taught him that all bleeding eventually stops...but for our sake, it's be nice if we could begin to staunch the bleeding by removing this governor sooner, rather than allowing the patient to expire...


Friday, November 18, 2011

Brief reflection on the man that is Scott Walker...

In Wisconsin today, as everybody knows, we are locked in what can be regarded as an existential battle going on between the forces that see value in average, everyday working people, fair compensation, and a voice in the workplace, and those that see these people as a fundamental threat to the well heeled and their contemporary version of laissez faire economic policies and interests. I digress. As I was teaching a class recently, I came across a quote by abolitionist Wendell Phillips that I think really reflects our governor. "He is a first rate, second rate man." Phillips was referring to President Lincoln and his vacillations on whether or not he should enact some sort of order that would lead to emancipation of slaves.

I understand the historical context is vastly different, at least superficially, between that situation and our situation in Wisconsin. And I am certainly not correlating Walker to Lincoln. Lincoln at least struggled with his inaction. Walker, and his G.O.P. cohorts seem gleeful in their efforts at crushing the strong voice that unions have given average people in Wisconsin. I know that their moves are self-serving and political in nature. I don't like it, but I can understand it on some level. But there is an additional, personal joy they seem to elicit from their actions. That joy is what ensures that Walker will always be a second rate person, both as governor, and in a few months...a private citizen...


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Over 50,000 Signatures so far to Recall Walker...

Not sure why they are releasing this data right now, but whatever...Needing to average around 9,000 signatures a day, we seem to be off to a good start for just a couple of days into the effort. Now granted, this weekend is the opening of deer hunting, so I have no idea what organizers and petition circulators can expect, but overall a great start! I'd say that we are coming for you Governor Walker...

Wisconsin Lost Just Under 10,000 Jobs Last Month...

I don't even like talking about this because bad economic news means that real families are hurting. However, this data serves to remind us Wisconsinites that Scott Walker's promise of 250,000 additional jobs by the end of his first term is simply just a slogan...much like his stupid "Wisconsin:Open for Business" one posted on all the signs coming into the state. The reality is this: our state has 8500 fewer public jobs compared to this time last year. This includes teachers, police officers, street crews, etc...The argument that people are not seeing a drop in public jobs or services simply does not hold water...Walker's slash and burn attacks against public employee unions has done nothing to maintain jobs or services. And the 14,500 total new jobs over the past year owe nothing to his policies and tax breaks for the well-heeled...At this rate, Walker will only have to be in office for another 17.25 years to reach his goal...Or maybe just a few more months...pending the peoples' judgement.

Next Step in the Manitowoc Crane Union Busting Playbook...

After 200 union machinists walked off the job for Manitowoc Crane on Monday, over the company's insistence that a new contract contain language making the company an open shop, management has now laid off 150 additional workers...blaming the striking workers...This is, of course, solely the responsibility of management and falls squarely at their feet. It is just another attempt to break the resolve of the union members by hurting their friends and colleagues. Again...standard boilerplate for management...and timeless and shameless!

Walker's Union Busting Efforts Trickle Down...

Hats off to the 200 or so union machinists who walked off the job on Monday over Manitowoc Crane's attempt to bust their collective power down by instituting an open shop. I know this is historical standard operating procedure from the "Right to Work" advocates (i.e. union busting corporations), and after the punch they delivered to public employees this past spring, I am surprised that there hasn't been some substantive push by the Wisconsin Republican Party to pass legislation regarding this prior to the possibility of losing control of the entire structure of state government sometime next spring/early summer.

Stick to your guns guys and keep the pressure on!!!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Here it comes...

It hasn't taken long for the incoming administration and legislature to start focusing on stripping the poor and defenseless of their health insurance program, Medicaid...