Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The fox guarding the henhouse...

Somehow this seems to make perfect sense...They don't try very hard to conceal it anymore...

Anything is good news...

With Republicans poised to flex some regressive muscle over the next two years, reminding American workers of their rights is absolutely critical in stamping out intimidation...Now, we'll see if the Obama administration sticks to its guns...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holding the wolf by the ears...

Thomas Jefferson's spineless characterization of the issue of slavery should be instructive for today's Republicans. For in America at that time in history, people couldn't conceive of an existence without it,and yet many realized that it was a morally corrupt institution living on borrowed time. Fast forward to today's Republican Party. When Nixon and the Republicans instituted their "Southern Strategy" after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the party made a hard shift to the right and embraced a strong effort of race baiting and fear mongering. Sometimes it was dog whistle, sometimes shouted from the roof tops. Sowing that philosophy has put the G.O.P. in the position they are today. A party that knows long term it cannot hold onto their race based strategy and remain a relevant political force long term, but one that can't let it go because the party is crammed full of people who have bought the shit they've been selling for the past forty years...

The Christmas Spirit...

And God bless us, everyone...

Why Tax Cuts Don't Stimulate Job Growth...

This is one of those "no-shit" moments...People have bought into the zombie-lie that tax cuts create jobs...Demand for products stimulates job corporations and rich people more money does not...Companies will not produce products, and consequentially jobs, if the majority of Americans are limited financially and unable to purchase those goods...Extending and expanding unemployment insurance is a far better methodology of keeping money floating throughout the economy...

Class Warfare...Killing the little guy...

I thought that Bob Herbert really hit the nail on the head with his recent Op-Ed. American companies are raking in record profits. So where is the economic recovery and job creation? It's simple really...The profits are falling into the hands of an ever-shrinking group of rich who hold on to the money...Demand drives production in a capitalist economy and without having money in the hands of the majority of Americans, who incidentally are more likely to spend it on essentials, demand for American products and, consequentially, jobs for Americans are not going to follow...No company is going to build or manufacture products without a demand for them, so why hire when people don't have the money to buy the products?