From DailyKos:
"... the group of Tea Baggers who hanged an effigy of Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-MD) from a noose in front of his district office a few weeks ago. Then there was the case yesterday where a few folks at a tea bag protest outside a townhall meeting in Hartford called on Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) to commit suicide as a way to cure his recently diagnosed prostate cancer. And even though it lacked any clear appeal to the murder of public officials or even a good suicide joke, I'm still pretty fond of this case on Tuesday where the head of the local Tea Party group up in Rome, New York just started yelling 'liar' over and over at a clearly befuddled and caught off guard Steny Hoyer.
On Tuesday, Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) held a press conference on the "cash for clunkers" program and was met by "dozens" of conservative protesters trying to drown him out. The protest was organized by the St. Louis Tea Party, whose Bill Hennessy told protesters the location, the time, and what to bring ("Sign ideas: Cash for Clunkers destroys old cars; ObamaCare destroys old people").
On the day of the protest Hennessy put up another post attacking the White House for setting up an email address to answer questions about "fishy" rumors about health care reform.
Barack Obama wants to turn everyone into a Nazi snitch.
The Nazis used snitches, including children, to turn in enemies of the state. Barack Obama has unleashed a program inspired by the National Socialists to identify and, presumably, punish citizens who speak out against socialized medicine. [...]
Eric Odom of American Liberty Alliance wants to turn the tables on our Fuhrer."